by New Haven Sunday Vigil for Peace and Justice
The reason we have been out here during five presidential administrations
— and will be here for the next one, too
The genocide that our government has been funding and fueling in Gaza for more than a year underscores our decision to continue our weekly vigil for peace and justice in New Haven, begun in 1999 to speak out against global, national, and local atrocities — especially those in which our own government plays a primary role. And the horrifying results of the 2024 election make citizen resistance and action more urgent and important than ever.
The Democratic party failed miserably in its one job for 2024: to change course and to put forward a program to address the existential problems facing our country and the world. Here was an opportunity to break with the Biden administration on Gaza; to denounce the demonization and deportation of immigrants; to propose concrete plans to deal with the climate crisis; and to plan to deal with the other serious issues threatening our lives, such as the disastrous housing crisis, the exorbitant cost of living, the broken health care system, and the criminal, ever-growing concentration of wealth into the hands of fewer and fewer people. Instead, the Democrats cultivated war criminals and appeased their corporate donors. This appeasement did not win them win the election, but it did help hand the victory to Trump and his Republican sycophants.
We will soon face a cohort of rulers whose only goals are to solidify the existing concentration of global wealth and power into the hands of a few by dismantling every single protection and gain won from decades of struggle; destroying or rendering inoperable every department of the federal government that does not give strict allegiance to their authoritarian demands; and underwriting the corporate donors who are embedded within both parties — the weapons manufacturers, AIPAC, the gun lobby, and the fossil fuel industry. Obviously, this will make conditions exponentially worse for all, starting but not ending with the most vulnerable among us. This is exactly what the Trump machine promised. Believe them.
WHAT “Endless War?”
Since 1999 when our Sunday vigil began, passersby have asked us what “endless war” we’re talking about, what we mean by the phrase. We mean this: the serial wars fought throughout the world are one war being waged on many fronts. Adults and children continue to be slaughtered, maimed, traumatized, and driven from their homes everywhere so that immense wealth and power can be concentrated in the hands of a very few people.
Here in the United States and globally, bigotry, discrimination, and widespread economic injustice serve the same end of enriching the few at the expense of the many. The weapons of the endless war include:
- continued development and production of an ever more deadly nuclear arsenal
- the funding and fueling of criminal wars and genocide
- aerial drone strikes against human beings many thousands of miles away (targets whose bodies the bombardiers, operating their weapons by remote control, will never have to see)
- mass incarcerations and deportations of immigrants and refugees (condemning them, in many cases, to a future of torture or death)
- the systematic dismantling of the infrastructure and social programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security that most of us not only depend upon but have funded with our hard-earned tax dollars all our lives
- the destruction of our environment
- the racist use of the police force to terrorize Black and brown communities
- the never-ending attacks on women’s and LGBTQIA+ people’s rights
- the systematic, vicious undermining of citizens’ rights to vote
- the destruction of labor unions and the creation of a “gig economy”
- the refusal to pass a living, national minimum wage
- the propagation of a vicious, profit-driven healthcare system that discriminates against the poor, elderly, and disabled.
We believe that our tax dollars should instead be spent on the things we need to sustain and improve our lives and our planet: universal, unrestricted, comprehensive and not-for-profit quality health care for all; emergency, full-scale, and sustained action to address and do everything possible to ameliorate climate change; and excellent housing, education, and resources for everyone.
People throughout the world are risking their lives to open this path and to resist and overthrow the authoritarian regimes that stand in their way. As U.S. citizens, we cannot evade our responsibility. Silence is not an option.
May we all have the wisdom of discernment and the courage to act to protect and serve our communities, in this moment, and in the coming years.
Sunday, November 24, 2024