Ask Your State Legislators to Support Your Environmental Rights
by Kimberly Stoner, Director of Advocacy, CT NOFA
Every person should have the fundamental human right to a clean and healthy environment: clean air, water, and soil, healthy ecosystems, and a safe and stable climate. This right is essential to our survival but is not mentioned in the CT state constitution or the US Constitution. An alliance of individuals and organizations, including CT NOFA, C3M, Sierra Club CT, CT League of Conservation Voters, and the CT League of Women Voters, among many others, have been working together to pass a resolution in the state General Assembly that would put environmental rights on the ballot.
This year, the resolution is HJ7, and we already know that it will get a public hearing in the Government Administration and Elections Committee. Last year’s resolution passed the GAE committee, but never got a vote in the state House or Senate.
Here’s what you can do now, at the start of this year’s legislative session:
- Find your state legislators. If you don’t know your legislators, you can go to, click on “Representation” and “Find Your Legislator,” and put in your address. Your legislator’s email is: [email protected]
- Send an email asking your legislator to co-sponsor HJ7. Here’s a simple script:
- I’m a resident of [city/town] and your constituent.
- I support the CT Environmental Rights Amendment because …..
- Tell them very briefly why – just one sentence is enough. Possible talking points:
A personal experience showing why a clean and healthy environment is important to you.
It recognizes environmental rights as being on par with other fundamental human rights, such as the right to free speech.
It protects the environment for the benefit of all residents.