Progressive Media
Mondays, 8 p.m. 21st Century Conversations with N’Zinga Shäni. OneWorld Progressive Institute, Inc. Channel 26.
Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m., 5 p.m., midnight, Sat.-Sun. 8 a.m. Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman, Channel 26.
Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Repeats Wed., 1 a.m. The Struggle, Middle East Crisis Committee. Channel 26.
****************** WEBSITES*****************
Black Lives Matter — New Haven
Connecticut Climate Crisis Mobilization
Greater New Haven Peace Council
New Haven Arts Council Calendar
New Haven/León Sister City Project
Popular Resistance by Mazin Qumsiyeh
Progressives Against Medical Assisted Suicide
West River Watershed Coalition
Campus Climate Challenge: Environmental student organizing.
Indigenous Politics
Raising funds for drilling wells for the Azawak in Niger.
I Wage Peace Billboard from Bethlehem.
Environmental organizing throughout the country.
The Greater New Haven Labor History Association — learn more, join on line!
UMass Amherst Libraries | SCUA » Bowman, Mitzi
The Bowman Papers center on Connecticut’s Mitzi and Pete Bowman’s antinuclear activism, dating from their first forays with STOP in the mid-1970s through the growth of opposition to Vermont Yankee in the approach to 2010.