‘No’ to Rate Increases, No to Expansion of Fossil Fuels!

by Sena Wazer, Sierra Club CT Chapter

On Tuesday, Feb. 11, at 3 p.m., the Stop Project Maple Coalition will gather at the Eversource corporate headquarters at 56 Prospect St. in Hartford, to call out unaffordable rate increases, harmful to low-income customers, and the continued expansion of fossil fuels.

Stop Project Maple is a regional coalition focused on stopping the expansion of an Enbridge-owned gas pipeline known as AGT; this expansion project called Project Maple would run through New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.

In Massachusetts, Eversource publicly stated that they offered a bid on the expanded gas from Project Maple. In Connecticut, Eversource is the monopolistic electric utility for most of the state and also provides gas to many towns. Connecticut relies primarily on fossil fuels for both electricity and home heating, which raises rates, creates air pollution and destroys the climate. There are grave concerns about the continued increase in use of fossil gas and the possible purchase of additional gas from Project Maple in Connecticut.

On Feb. 11 at 3 p.m., we will rally to call out the role of our utility companies, especially Eversource, in the promotion and expansion of fossil fuels, as well as how they have consistently taken advantage of low-income rate-payers. The rally will include speakers as well as an action.

Please contact Sena Wazer at [email protected] with any questions. More information will also be shared on the Coalition’s website: stopprojectmaple.org.

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