Exciting Sustainability Workshops Nov. 1 and Nov. 2, New Haven

by Maria Tupper, the New Haven Bioregional Group

On Nov. 1 and 2 the Bioregional Group, New Haven Land Trust, Food Policy Council, Common Ground, New Haven Farms and other groups from the New Haven community are co-sponsoring workshops by Jonathan Bates, Permaculturist. We are able to offer the event for free because of a grant we received from the New Haven Green Fund.

On Nov. 1, we will be at Barnard School, 170 Derby Avenue, 7- 9 p.m. and Nov. 2 at New Haven Friends Meeting House, 223 East Grand Avenue, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. People can attend one or both events.

Jonathan Bates

Jonathan Bates

In “Edible Forest Gardening: Living Sustainably in the City,” Jonathan Bates, owner of Food Forest Farm and contributing author of “Paradise Lot: Two Plant Geeks, One-Tenth of an Acre, and the Making of an Edible Garden Oasis in the City,” will show you how he transformed a blighted urban yard into an edible paradise. By using permaculture design he’s created both beauty and abundance, meeting human needs while improving ecosystem health.

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“People and Nature before Profits” — People’s World Amistad Awards Dec. 7

by Joelle Fishman, CT People’s World

This year’s Amistad Awards will be presented by the People’s World on Sunday, Dec. 7 at 4 p.m. at a “People & Nature Before Profits” anniversary rally in New Haven at Cooperative Arts and Humanities High School, 177 College St. (entrance corner of College and Crown).

Rising inequalities, climate change and war are giving rise to new organizing by youth, low-wage workers and the 99% for a society that values the needs of people and nature before corporate profits.

The event will celebrate the contributions of Meg Riccio, Alberto Bernandez and Daniel Durant, three leaders and role models who challenge economic and racial inequality and who are in the forefront to get out the vote for jobs, health care, union rights, immigrant rights and the needs of youth.

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Milada Marsalka’s Memoirs Now Available in New Haven

by the PAR Planning Committee

Milada Marsalka, founding member of PAR (1993), long-time president of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, New Haven County Branch, and a fiery activist in countless struggles for peace, labor rights, equality and justice, had the foresight to write about her life. She died in 2000 at the age of 95, leaving a manuscript that could inform and inspire others.

Through the diligence of Milada’s nieces, Regina Stevenson and Catherine Nathan, “Pursuing Peace: Memoirs of Milada Marsalka” has been published.

Thanks to New Haven/León Sister City Project, a box of books was shipped to New Haven. You can purchase your copy of Pursuing Peace from PAR for $15. Please call Paula at (203) 562-2798 to arrange your pick-up. This book makes a great gift!

For a description of the book go to the publisher’s site: https://wordassociation.com/memoir%20book%20page/pursuingpeace.html.

Marketing Help for Non-Profits 5 p.m. Nov. 22, West Hartford

by Judi Friedman, People’s Action for Clean Energy

This is an amazing free opportunity to learn more about marketing a non-profit organization! On Nov. 22 at 5 p.m., Brian Keane, author and president of SmartPower, will give a talk at the Friends Meeting House, 144 S. Quaker Lane, West Hartford. SmartPower has just been named “The Best Nonprofit Marketing Firm in the United States” by Wealth and Management.

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Women’s Studies Program at SCSU

by Bina Walker, Graduate Assistant

The Women’s Studies Program at Southern Connecticut State University is committed to integrating scholarly inquiry, critical problem-solving methods, professional training, cooperative leadership skills, and practical strategies for intervention in real-life situations affecting the well-being of women locally and globally. Faculty and students share a commitment to human rights advocacy around the world.

Compatible with many different areas of study, Women’s Studies allows students to explore the nature of women’s status, circumstances, and objectives across the boundaries of academic disciplines, cultures, and historical time periods.

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Pastors for Peace: Why the World Needs Cuba

by Augusta Girard, Program Director, PEP

At 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 3 the annual Mark Shafer Lecture, sponsored by Promoting Enduring Peace, will feature Gail Walker, Director of Pastors for Peace and the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization. Held at the Yale Divinity School, 409 Prospect Street, Niebuhr Hall N12, parking is available and the event is free and open to the public.

Ms. Walker has staffed more than 15 caravans of humanitarian aid to Cuba and Central America and worked extensively with marginalized communities including the Garifuna in Honduras and Nicaragua. She is an award-winning radio producer, on-air host and journalist and holds an MA in Media Studies from the New School.

Gail Walker is interviewed by a television crew.

Gail Walker is interviewed by a television crew.

She is the daughter of Rev. Lucius Walker, the recipient of the 1993 Gandhi Peace Award. It is especially meaningful for PEP to have the daughter of a Gandhi Peace Award recipient as our featured speaker. To be able to carry on the work of such a noble and peace-loving man as her father is very rewarding for us to see. Read more

Training 4 Trainers: Nonviolent Campaigns

by War Resisters League, www.warresisters.org

APPLY NOW! Join the War Resisters League’s Training for Trainers, for people who want to develop training skills focusing on strategy development.

Do you want to:

  • Develop training skills for building nonviolent grassroots campaigns?
  • Deepen a gender and racial justice framework within your organizing strategy and training?
  • Train activists for creative and powerful nonviolent direct action?

Apply now and join activists from across the Northeast US for WRL’s Training for Trainers.

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Join Our CT EcoStocking

by JoAnn Moran, Handy Humans

eco-stockingThe EcoStocking is a holiday stocking celebration of Connecticut businesses, farmers and artisans. The EcoStocking is a unique way to say you are proud to support those who live and do business in Connecticut while advocating for a healthy environment and local economy.

We are working with Connecticut businesses to fill 1,000 stockings! Participating business contribute 1000 items for inclusion in the stocking and its promotional campaign. Stockings will be available for order by and for CT residents beginning Nov. 1 at www.ecostocking.com and delivered USPS Dec. 15-18, 2014.

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In Memoriam: Irm Wessel

by PAR Planning Committee

It is with great sadness that we notify our readers that on Sept. 20, New Haven resident, activist and clinical social worker Irm Wessel passed on. Our condolences to her husband Dr. Morris Wessel and her family. She influenced many people, professionally and personally, and will be greatly missed. The following are excerpts from the New Haven Independent website www.newhavenindependent.org/ index.php/obituaries/entry/irmgard_rozensweig_wessel_881.

Irmgard Rosenzweig Wessel, a clinical social worker and long-time New Haven resident, died Saturday at home. She was 88 years old, and had lung cancer. Read more

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