SWITCH! Campaign encourages switching to clean energy

by Chris Schweitzer, New Haven Healthy City/Healthy Climate Challenge

switch-campaignThe New Haven Healthy City/Healthy Climate Challenge launched an eight week SWITCH!

Campaign to have hundreds of New Haven residents switch to clean (wind, solar, etc) electricity in their homes. Between Dec. 1 and Jan. 19 (MLK Day) the campaign will – with your help – result in a reduction of thousands of tons of green-house gas pollution in the coming years.

By switching residents will:

  • Immediately cut greenhouse gas and other pollution by 3-5 tons per year per person.
  • Send a message to the power industry that they need to move away from dirty fossil fuels to meet growing demand for clean healthy energy.
  • Let the State government know that future investment in fossil fuel infrastructure is going the wrong way.

The SWITCH! Campaign is using public art, posters, PSAs (on WXPN), and tabling to get out the message that it’s very easy to switch.

Please join us and spread the word, get your organization to promote SWITCH! too! The directions are at healthyclimatechallenge.org, or contact Chris at [email protected] for more information or materials.

The campaign launched as the COP 20 [Conference of the Parties] meeting on climate change happened in Peru, where the future widespread use of fossil fuels is being questioned. Ahead of the talks, U.S. Climate Envoy Todd Stern made news by openly acknowledging that it was “obvious” that a proportion of what the coal, oil, and gas companies count as financial assets cannot possibly be dug out of the ground and burned if the world hopes to meet global targets. The solution, Stern said, will ultimately be one that leaves “a lot of fossil fuel assets in the ground.”

No Jail Time for Drone Protestor! Read his statement to the judge here

[For previous coverage, visit https://par-newhaven.org/2014/12/05/new-havens-mark-colville-sentenced-for-protesting-at-drone-base-near-syracuse-ny-democracy-now/}

by Mark Colville, Amistad Catholic Worker


My family and I are back home after some surprising developments at the sentencing hearing in the Syracuse court. I’m writing this by way of update for those who have expressed their care and concern for us but may not have heard the outcome or any of the details. Some links are posted below which provide a good explanation of the action for which I was brought to trial. Most of all, though, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have been walking with us in so many beautiful ways during this time. We could not possibly have felt more loved and supported, so thank you all.

We all were proceeding with the well-founded belief that I was facing a long jail sentence. The judge himself had made it clear before trial that he would sentence me to the maximum Read more

After the People’s Climate March: What’s Next for Connecticut Activists?

Sunday, January 18, 2015, at 2 pm there will be a panel followed by a discussion period. We want to hear from YOU! Rescheduled from December!

Jeremy Brecher, Labor Network for Sustainability
Terri Eickel, Interreligious Eco-Justice Network
Camilla Ibanez, Deep Roots United Front/Occupy Sandy
Jen Siskind, Food & Water Watch
Elaine Ward, CT Coalition for Environmental Justice
Diane Lentakis, 350.org CT and Sierra Club
Dan Fischer, Capitalism v. Climate

Connecticut sent over a thousand marchers to NYC in September and many of us are wondering what next? Before it’s too late we must prepare to face:

  • a polluting coal fired plant;
  • the push for more fracked gas pipelines;
  • the continuing danger of nuclear power; and
  • the massive struggle to convert to 100% renewable

Come hear climate justice leaders and voice your own vision of the kind of the movement we need to build. Sunday, January 18, 2015, 2 p.m. in “Semesters“ hall, Student Center, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain (http://web.ccsu.edu/campusmap/.)

For more info: Chris, (860) 478-5300.
Sponsored by 350CT.org

New Haven’s Mark Colville Sentenced for Protesting at Drone Base Near Syracuse, NY | Democracy Now!

coville-goodmanA longtime peace activist was sentenced today to one year conditional discharge for demonstrating outside the gates of New York’s Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, which is used to remotely pilot U.S. drone attacks. Mark Colville faced up to two years in jail stemming from his arrest last December. More than 100 people have been arrested over the past five years as part of nonviolent campaign organized by the Upstate Drone Coalition. Hours before he learns his fate, Colville joins us to discuss his activism and why he opposes the U.S. drone war.

via Peace Activist Sentenced for Protesting at Drone Base Near Syracuse, NY | Democracy Now!.

Dec. 3 Sentencing of Mark Colville for Protesting Drone Warfare

by Friends of the Amistad Catholic Worker

On Sept. 18, 2014, Mark Colville, of Amistad Catholic Worker in New Haven, was convicted on five criminal charges for walking peacefully to the front gate of the 174th Attack Wing at Hancock Airfield in Syracuse, N.Y., along with Yale Divinity School students Creighton Chandler and Greg Williams, to deliver a People’s Order of Protection for the Children of Afghanistan.

Mark and his family and community are preparing for his sentencing on Dec. 3 in Syracuse, in a court that has gone to extreme lengths to justify the U.S. government’s extrajudicial killing and crimes against humanity perpetrated through weaponized drone strikes.

Before the trial, Judge Robert Jokl threatened to give Mark the maximum penalty allowable, which could amount to more than two years in prison.

Note: As you who have supported us in the past know, this situation has placed a stress on the life of the Amistad Catholic Worker, and with Mark away it will continue to increase. We need people to think of ways to help us, both financially and by lending a hand to our work of hospitality. Please put some prayerful consideration into this, and join us if you can! For more information, call Frances Goekler-Morneau: (203) 676-2066; (203) 562-6165.

This article from Friends of the Amistad Catholic Worker first appeared in PAR-NewHaven.org.

World AIDS Day New Haven (and Connecticut) 1:45 p.m. Dec. 5

United Church on the Green 2 pm
New Haven Public Library 3 pm
Find us on Facebook:
New Haven Community World AIDS Day 2014
Jocelyn Antunes at [email protected]
Sandi Gossart-Walker at [email protected]
PRE-EVENT: 1:45 p.m. Gather Us Up. Join us on the New Haven Green at one of the four corners. Wear a red scarf. We will have red scarves to give away.
SERVICE: 2 p.m. Commemoration at United Church on the Green, 270 Chapel Street.
RECEPTION 3 p.m., New Haven Free Public Library, 133 Elm Street


New Haven

Date/Time: December 5, 2014, 1:45 p.m.
Place: New Haven Green, United Church on the Green, New Haven Public Library
Hosted by: New Reach, Inc.
Details: Events will include a gathering on the New Haven Green followed by a service at United Church and a reception at New Haven Public Library. Click here for a PDF flyer with complete details.

via AIDS Connecticut – World AIDS Day.


World AIDS Day – December 1

If you have a World AIDS Day event you would like to promote here, please send all the details (including date, time and place) to [email protected]. Please include a PDF flyer for the event if you have one available. Thanks!

Read more

Bioregional Holiday Bazaar Sat., Dec. 6

by Maria Tupper, New Haven Bioregional Group

Come join the annual Bioregional Holiday Bazaar, Saturday, Dec. 6, 11 a.m.- 4 p.m., featuring artisan goods from our region, at the First UU Society of New Haven, 608 Whitney Ave.

Beautiful items and gifts for the holiday from

  • Boulder Knoll Farm–Bobcat/Domingo/Gaianne: Farm Stand of Locally Produced Items
  • Janet Brodie/Liz Gersten: Rubber Stamped Creations & More
  • Lisa Spetrini (ElmCityHandmade): Hula-hoops and Fabulous Craft Items
  • Lisette Lux: Vintage Fabric/Craft Creations
  • Lynne Bonnet: Herbs and Oils
  • Mable Rooney/Sally Arnott: Assorted Hand Crafts
  • Maria Tupper: Bioregional Photographs
  • Martha Haeseler: Jewelry and Felted Goods
  • Mickey Koth: Buttons and Jewelry
  • New Haven/ Leon Sister City: Fair Traded Items from Around the World
  • Nilla Palmer: Crochet Rugs
  • Shula Weinstein: Textile Duvet Covers and Pillows, and Up-cycled Paper Works
  • Tabitha Logan: Handmade Candles with Essential Oils


Shocking Electric News from Fight the Hike

Paula Panzarella, Fight the Hike

On Monday, Nov. 17, the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) approved excessive rate hikes for UI and CL&P customers who are on the standard offer. The generation rate increase was requested eleven days prior to PURA’s approval and did not require public testimony. It is estimated the average UI customer with the standard offer will have an increase of $35 a month starting January 1, 2015.

CL&P customers who have the standard offer will, on average, have an increase of $18 a month.
This is blatantly disregarding and disrespecting the residents and businesses of Connecticut by foisting such huge increases without any warning. Can you imagine if it were known that the companies wanted this raise prior to the election? Electricity and energy rates would have been a major issue in the debates, forcing candidates to take positions and discuss ways to nullify or at least forestall these increases.

We urge people to contact PURA and CT Attorney General George Jepsen and let them know your thoughts about this.

  • PURA: phone: (860) 827-1553 and toll free (800) 382-4586, fax: (860) 827-2822 e-mail: [email protected] Ten Franklin Square, New Britain, CT 06051
  • CT Attorney General George Jepsen phone: (860) 808-5318 fax: (860) 808-5387 e-mail: [email protected] 55 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106

People might also want to contact their state senators and representatives. Shouldn’t we have legislation to prevent such an increase going into effect without a public hearing?

In other news, the CT Roundtable on Climate and Jobs met on Nov. 17 in East Hartford for a discussion concerning CL&P’s proposed 60% increase in the monthly fixed charge for residential delivery of electricity. PURA is scheduled to issue its draft decision on this raise Dec. 1. A petition is being circulated via the internet at http://bit.ly/RTstatement11-14. To get more information about CT Roundtable on Climate and Jobs, please contact John Humphries, (860)216-7972, [email protected].

19th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Celebration at the Yale Peabody Museum Jan. 18 and 19

by Josue Irizarry, Events Coordinator, Yale Peabody Museum

We are well into the planning of the Yale Peabody Museum’s celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Legacy of Environmental and Social Justice on Jan. 18 and 19, 2015.

As most of you know, a big and important part of this annual, two-day, free celebration are the activity areas set up all around the Museum, where organizations such as yours create and staff an educational activity for families, with a meaningful lesson about environmental, non-violence or social justice.

Applications to set up a table or display need to be received by Dec. 12. To receive an application, email [email protected].

Please fill out the form, make a copy for your records, and mail or email it back to us by Friday, Dec. 12, 2014.

NOTE: The activity you design must be interactive, and due to space limitations we can accept only the first 25 applications received by Friday, December 12, 2014. Applications will not be accepted after the deadline date.

If you have contributed in the past, please accept our gratitude for your generous support of this program, and we hope that you will choose to continue.  Thanks again for helping us make this one of New Haven’s, indeed one of Connecticut’s, finest tributes to Dr. King and his legacy.

Milada Marsalka’s Memoirs Now Available in New Haven

by PAR Planning Committee

Milada Marsalka, founding member of PAR (1993), long-time president of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, New Haven County Branch, and a fiery activist in countless struggles for peace, labor rights, equality and justice, had the foresight to write about her life. She died in 2000 at the age of 95, leaving a manuscript that could inform and inspire others.

Through the diligence of Milada’s nieces, Regina Stevenson and Catherine Nathan, Pursuing Peace:
Memoirs of Milada Marsalka has been published.

Thanks to New Haven/León Sister City Project, a box of books was shipped to New Haven. You can purchase your copy of Pursuing Peace from PAR for $15. Please call Paula at (203) 562-2798 to arrange your pick-up. This book makes a great gift! For a description of the book go to the publisher’s site: http://wordassociation.com/memoir%20book%20page/pursuingpeace.html.

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