2024 Greater New Haven Labor History Association Conference Sept 8, 4 – 6 p.m.

by Steve Mooser, Greater New Haven Labor Association

Les Leopold, the Executive Director of the Labor Institute, is the Keynote Speaker at the Greater New Haven Labor History Association’s annual conference on September 8. He and longtime community organizer and housing advocate, Kim McLaughlin, will receive the organization’s Augusta Lewis Troup award.

For decades, Leopold has been an impassioned and articulate advocate for workers’ rights and financial well-being. He founded the Labor Institute in 1975 to work for a more equitable and just society. The Institute conducts educational programs for unions, environmental organizations and other community activist groups. Bringing diverse groups out of their respective “silos” to work together has been a priority.

In 2009, Leopold wrote “The Looting of America: How Wall Street’s Game of Fantasy Finance Destroyed Our Jobs, Pensions and Prosperity and What We Can Do About It.” His 2015 book, “Runaway Inequality: An Activist’s Guide to Economic Justice,” focused on the causes of income inequity. The most significant impact has been caused by the growth of the financial sector. Neo-liberal austerity measures and significant cuts in corporate taxes and those of the wealthy forced communities to scramble to fund basic service needs, including incurring greater debt to financial entities.

In his latest book, Wall Street’s War on Workers, he expands on how the financial sector has strip-mined middle-class wealth. Leopold clearly demonstrates the result of stock buybacks. Venture capitalists buy up control of an economically healthy company by incurring tremendous debt. Borrowed funds are used for bonuses and to buy back stock. The once-healthy company is saddled with debilitating debts, resulting in massive layoffs.

A second theme is using polling data to debunk the commonly presented message that the blue-collar workforce and white working class are lost to extreme right-wing political forces.

We look forward to an exciting meeting, including music by labor troubadour Frank Panzarella. Admission is free; donations appreciated!

GNHLHA Conference is Sunday, Sept. 8, 4–6 p.m. at The Labor Center/NHFT Union Hall, 267 Chapel Street, New Haven. Parking is available in the back.

Pizza will be served at the conclusion of the program. For more info: Steve Mooser, [email protected].