Help the Progressive Community. Become an Active Part of the PAR Newsletter Team!
To Our Readers:
The Progressive Action Roundtable is looking for someone who knows how to write clearly and has a good command of spelling and grammar. This person must also be interested in talking to local organizers about their groups and plans, and writing a couple of short articles (of approximately 300 words) for the monthly PAR newsletter. A small stipend will be available.
In addition, we would like more of our readers to become involved in working on the newsletter. We want to expand our Planning Committee and Production Team. Enhancement of our Facebook presence is also needed. Would you like to gather articles about local activities? Can you help with graphics? Are you a good proofreader?
If you’re interested in helping the PAR newsletter provide news about New Haven-area activism, please send an e-mail to and let us know what you’re able to do to keep PAR promoting the work of the many wonderful progressive organizations in the New Haven area.
Thank you!