Rain Barrel Workshops to Harvest the Rain

by Lynne Bonnett, NH Bioregional Group

The New Haven Bioregional Group is hosting rain barrel workshops periodically throughout the summer and fall months, usually once a month on a Saturday late morning in the Edgewood neighborhood of New Haven. Bring a picture of the area where you want to install your rain barrel. We will give you a donated rain barrel with parts and show you how to install it at your home. The rain barrels with kits are provided by a volunteer from the GNH Water Pollution Control Authority. You can harvest rain water to use out-side in your garden and help keep our rivers and harbor clean from storm water runoff from your property — a win-win for everyone.

Email: rainbarrelsnewhaven@yahoo.com or call (203) 865-6507 for more information about the next workshop.

Holiday Gift Bazaar and Craft Show Dec. 2

by Patty Nuelsen, New Haven/León Sister City Project

Once again this year the Bioregional Group in conjunction with the New Haven/León Sister City Project will hold its annual gift bazaar from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 2 at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of New Haven, 608 Whitney Ave., New Haven, CT, 06511.

Unique in the New Haven area, all items are handcrafted, locally produced or fair trade.
The local crafters and artists will be selling their products and you can talk with them adding more meaning to your purchases. Beautiful rubber stamped clothing and socks, dish towels, etc.; mounted photos of the New Haven area and cards; pottery; jewelry; hemp products; hats, scarves, etc…..all beautiful and created with skill and love.

The New Haven/León Sister City Project will be selling Nicaraguan coffee, woven goods and chocolate as well as Syracuse Cultural Workers calendars, Swords Into Plow-shares honey and beeswax candles, bowls from India made from recycled wire, Palestinian olive oil, CT produced soap and much more. All proceeds benefit the work of the NH/LSCP in New Haven and two rural communities in León, Nicaragua.


Holiday Gift Bazaar and Craft Show Dec. 2

by Patty Nuelsen, New Haven/León Sister City Project

Once again this year the New Haven Bioregional Group in conjunction with the New Haven/León Sister City Project will hold its annual gift bazaar Saturday, Dec. 2 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Unique in the New Haven area, all items are handcrafted, locally produced or fair trade.

The local crafters and artists will be selling their products and you can talk with them adding more meaning to your purchases. Beautiful rubber stamped clothing and socks, dish towels, etc.; mounted photos of the New Haven area and cards; pottery; jewelry; hemp products; hats, scarves, and more … all beautiful and created with skill and love.

The New Haven/León Sister City Project will be selling Nicaraguan coffee, woven goods and chocolate as well as Syracuse Cultural Workers calendars, Swords Into Plow-shares honey and beeswax candles, bowls from India made from recycled wire, Palestinian olive oil, CT produced soap and much more. All proceeds benefit the work of the NH/LSCP in New Haven and two rural communities in León, Nicaragua.

Selected Writings of Fred Cervin Now Available!

The New Haven Bioregional Group has announced that a volume of writings by New Haven Bioregional Group co-founder Fred Cervin (1940-2013) has just been published.

The book, Earth Loyalty and Bioregional Practice, arrived just in time for the 10th anniversary of the Bioregional Group this fall.

The book is on sale for $12 each. Contact Maria Tupper (mariatupper@gmail.com) for details or to order a copy. http://www.newhavenbioregionalgroup.org

Bioregional Holiday Bazaar Sat., Dec. 6

by Maria Tupper, New Haven Bioregional Group

Come join the annual Bioregional Holiday Bazaar, Saturday, Dec. 6, 11 a.m.- 4 p.m., featuring artisan goods from our region, at the First UU Society of New Haven, 608 Whitney Ave.

Beautiful items and gifts for the holiday from

  • Boulder Knoll Farm–Bobcat/Domingo/Gaianne: Farm Stand of Locally Produced Items
  • Janet Brodie/Liz Gersten: Rubber Stamped Creations & More
  • Lisa Spetrini (ElmCityHandmade): Hula-hoops and Fabulous Craft Items
  • Lisette Lux: Vintage Fabric/Craft Creations
  • Lynne Bonnet: Herbs and Oils
  • Mable Rooney/Sally Arnott: Assorted Hand Crafts
  • Maria Tupper: Bioregional Photographs
  • Martha Haeseler: Jewelry and Felted Goods
  • Mickey Koth: Buttons and Jewelry
  • New Haven/ Leon Sister City: Fair Traded Items from Around the World
  • Nilla Palmer: Crochet Rugs
  • Shula Weinstein: Textile Duvet Covers and Pillows, and Up-cycled Paper Works
  • Tabitha Logan: Handmade Candles with Essential Oils


Exciting Sustainability Workshops Nov. 1 and Nov. 2, New Haven

by Maria Tupper, the New Haven Bioregional Group

On Nov. 1 and 2 the Bioregional Group, New Haven Land Trust, Food Policy Council, Common Ground, New Haven Farms and other groups from the New Haven community are co-sponsoring workshops by Jonathan Bates, Permaculturist. We are able to offer the event for free because of a grant we received from the New Haven Green Fund.

On Nov. 1, we will be at Barnard School, 170 Derby Avenue, 7- 9 p.m. and Nov. 2 at New Haven Friends Meeting House, 223 East Grand Avenue, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. People can attend one or both events.

Jonathan Bates

Jonathan Bates

In “Edible Forest Gardening: Living Sustainably in the City,” Jonathan Bates, owner of Food Forest Farm and contributing author of “Paradise Lot: Two Plant Geeks, One-Tenth of an Acre, and the Making of an Edible Garden Oasis in the City,” will show you how he transformed a blighted urban yard into an edible paradise. By using permaculture design he’s created both beauty and abundance, meeting human needs while improving ecosystem health.

Read more