Martin Luther King, Jr., Celebration

by Yale Peabody Museum

Join the Yale Peabody Museum, CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, and the New Haven Museum for the 28th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy of Social and Environmental Justice with two days of free events open to all, on Jan. 14 and 15. Space is limited. Free registration is strongly recommended. Live ASL interpretation is available upon request on or before Jan. 7.

Free parking is available in Yale Lot 22 at 260 Whitney Avenue. For more information, call 203-432-8987, or visit the website,

Traditional Reading ‘Beyond Vietnam’

by Henry Lowendorf, Greater New Haven Peace Commission

It has become a tradition in New Haven to celebrate the birthday of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., with a public reading of his brilliant speech, Beyond Vietnam.

The reading will take place at noon Monday, Jan. 17, via Zoom. Contact the Peace Council at 203-389-9547 or if you would like to read or participate. To listen in solidarity, contact us for the Zoom link.

At a time when the people of our country and the world face an ongoing pandemic, economic deprivation, gross inequality in jobs, health care, housing, education, we celebrate the crystal clarity of King’s vision for peace and justice expressed during the brutal U.S. war on Vietnam 54 years ago. Today we call for ending the dozens of wars, blockades and gross interference in the political affairs of other nations waged by the U.S.A.

The Greater New Haven Peace Council invites you to join in reading this powerfully emotional and historical analysis that is today as relevant as it was when King presented it in 1967.

King: “I knew that America would never invest the necessary funds or energies in rehabilitation of its poor so long as adventures like Vietnam continued to draw men and skills and money like some demonic, destructive suction tube. So I was increasingly compelled to see the war as an enemy of the poor and to attack it as such.”

Congress is now passing a new military budget of three-quarters of a trillion dollars, a huge increase over Trump’s last budget, which itself was highly bloated over Obama’s. Military spending consumes over half of U.S. discretionary budget while the U.S. spends more on weapons and war than the next 11 countries combined.

King: “A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”

Contact the Peace Council now to be added to the roster of readers or for the Zoom link to listen to the readings: 203-389-9547,

King called for an end to the madness of militarism, inequality and greed. Let’s settle for nothing less than a just transition to a Green, Peace Economy that works for all of us.

Volunteers Needed for MLK Event January 18-19

by Elisabeth Kennedy, Volunteer Coordinator, Yale Peabody Museum

We need to fill volunteer spots for the Yale Peabody Museum’s 19th Annual Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy of Social and Environmental Justice event on Sunday, Jan. 18 (noon to 4 p.m.) and Monday, Jan. 19 (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). We also could use people to help us set up on Saturday, Jan. 17.

mlkIf it’s easier for you, feel free to leave a message telling me “Sunday or Monday” and “morning or afternoon or even all day” and I will find a spot for you. Please let me know as soon as possible where you can help out. We really do need ‘all hands on deck’ for this extensive two-day event – one of the biggest of the year for the museum. So let me know what you would like to help with! Remember, we are happy to have you to work full days or on Sunday and/or Monday or to set up on Saturday.

Have a wonderful holiday and we look forward to hearing from you and definitely seeing you in January!
With best wishes for 2015, Elisabeth, (203) 432-3731,

19th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Celebration at the Yale Peabody Museum Jan. 18 and 19

by Josue Irizarry, Events Coordinator, Yale Peabody Museum

We are well into the planning of the Yale Peabody Museum’s celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Legacy of Environmental and Social Justice on Jan. 18 and 19, 2015.

As most of you know, a big and important part of this annual, two-day, free celebration are the activity areas set up all around the Museum, where organizations such as yours create and staff an educational activity for families, with a meaningful lesson about environmental, non-violence or social justice.

Applications to set up a table or display need to be received by Dec. 12. To receive an application, email

Please fill out the form, make a copy for your records, and mail or email it back to us by Friday, Dec. 12, 2014.

NOTE: The activity you design must be interactive, and due to space limitations we can accept only the first 25 applications received by Friday, December 12, 2014. Applications will not be accepted after the deadline date.

If you have contributed in the past, please accept our gratitude for your generous support of this program, and we hope that you will choose to continue.  Thanks again for helping us make this one of New Haven’s, indeed one of Connecticut’s, finest tributes to Dr. King and his legacy.