Celebration of the UN International Day of Peace

This Ginkgo tree is a gift to New Haven from Japan.

Jim Pandaru hold the umbrella for New Haven Peace Commission representative Al Marder. (photo: Aaron Goode)

Jim Pandaru hold the umbrella for New Haven Peace Commission representative Al Marder. (photo: Aaron Goode)

It is a sapling survivor of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima, August 6, 1945, and was planted in the United Nations Peace Garden (Ella Grasso Boulevard and Legion Avenue) on Sept. 18 at the opening of the International Day of Peace celebration in the West River neighborhood.

Neighbors at the ceremony. (photo: Aaron Goode)

Neighbors at the ceremony. (photo: Aaron Goode)


International Day of Peace, Building Blocks for Peace, 1-6 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 18, 2016, at the United Nations Peace Garden in West River

International Day of Peace, Building Blocks for Peace, Sunday, Sept. 18, 2016, at the United Nations Peace Garden in West River

International Day of Peace, Building Blocks for Peace, Sunday, Sept. 18, 2016, at the United Nations Peace Garden in West River

International Day of Peace Celebration

Sunday, Sept. 18, the West River Neighborhood Services Corporation will host the eleventh United Nations Inter-national Day of Peace Celebration at the Peace Garden located at the intersection of Ella T. Grass Boulevard and Legion Avenue from 12:30 to 6 p.m.

The event starts at 12:30 p.m. with the planting of a Ginkgo sapling that survived the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima in the Peace Garden. This is a gift from the Japanese government to the City of New Haven Peace Commission.

Music will be provided by the Christian Sons Gospel group, Nfinity Mzk, Professor B. & Army of Love featuring Papa Biggie Reggae, and the Veronica Douglas Group. There will be meditation taught by the Art of Living, free ice cream, fruit, beef hot dogs, refreshments and children’s activities. There will also be information tables from various New Haven organizations and businesses.

For more information, contact Stacy Spell at (203) 777-2192 or wrnscsecretary@gmail.com.
In case of rain, the event will be held Sunday, Sept. 25.

International Day of Peace — Sunday, Sept. 20

by Frank Panzarella, board member, WRNSC

The West River neighborhood has been home to the United Nations dedicated peace garden for many years. The community has taken to heart its role and every year has sponsored an International Day of Peace Festival.

Sunday, Sept. 20, 2015 will see the 10th anniversary celebration and it will be a great day. All New Haven peace groups are urged to participate with tables or just come by and help make the day a success for all of New Haven. Contact Frank Panzarella for more information and to set up a table at (203) 562-2798 or by emailing frankpanzarella@hotmail.com.

A full day of activities will start at noon and run until 5 p.m. with music by Boogie Chillun, I.N.I.T.Y., free food, meditation, health screenings, activities for young people and much more.

The Nation Drill & Drum team will perform as well as Kode Red, poet Baub Bidon and singer Samantha Boisvert and statements will be read by clergy and community leaders.

The day is sponsored by the West River Neighborhood Services Corporation with help from Yale New Haven Health, Yale University, Continuum of Care and others.

In case of rain, the event will be held Sept. 27.