Milada Marsalka’s Memoirs Now Available in New Haven

by the PAR Planning Committee

Milada Marsalka, founding member of PAR (1993), long-time president of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, New Haven County Branch, and a fiery activist in countless struggles for peace, labor rights, equality and justice, had the foresight to write about her life. She died in 2000 at the age of 95, leaving a manuscript that could inform and inspire others.

Through the diligence of Milada’s nieces, Regina Stevenson and Catherine Nathan, “Pursuing Peace: Memoirs of Milada Marsalka” has been published.

Thanks to New Haven/León Sister City Project, a box of books was shipped to New Haven. You can purchase your copy of Pursuing Peace from PAR for $15. Please call Paula at (203) 562-2798 to arrange your pick-up. This book makes a great gift!

For a description of the book go to the publisher’s site:

Training 4 Trainers: Nonviolent Campaigns

by War Resisters League,

APPLY NOW! Join the War Resisters League’s Training for Trainers, for people who want to develop training skills focusing on strategy development.

Do you want to:

  • Develop training skills for building nonviolent grassroots campaigns?
  • Deepen a gender and racial justice framework within your organizing strategy and training?
  • Train activists for creative and powerful nonviolent direct action?

Apply now and join activists from across the Northeast US for WRL’s Training for Trainers.

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