1st Black History Month People’s World Celebration: Black Youth Leadership – Resistance 2.0 in Today’s Freedom Struggle
by Connecticut People’s World Committee
The 51st People’s World Black History Month Celebration, including the annual arts and writing competition for grades 8 to 12, will take place Saturday, Feb. 22, at 4 p.m. at the New Haven Peoples Center, 37 Howe St., New Haven.
Black Youth Leadership – Resistance 2.0 in Today’s Freedom Struggle is the theme for the event and competition. The full invitation to the competition is below.
In addition to the presentation of prizes for the competition, the event on Saturday, Feb. 22, will include drumming, a panel discussion by youth activists, and guest speaker Aaron Booe, national organizer for the YCL USA.
A $5 contribution is asked if possible or what you can afford. No one will be turned away.
For information contact ct-pww@pobox.com or leave a message at 203-624-8664.
This is a great event celebrating Black History Month and Black youth leadership. I’d like to submit an article about my organization’s activities for consideration to be featured on the PAR-New Haven website.
Thank you for your support.
Email articles to parnewhaven@hotmail.com