West River Watershed News
Explore the West River and its tributaries. Sign up with WRWC to do “Streamwalks” (beginning in June) to gather data on our watershed. (We initially did this in 2015 and it’s time to update.) This is a really FUN and EYE OPENING experience! Training provided. Invite your friends! Contact Linda Green lkgreen2@yahoo.com.
Look for alewives in the West River. If/when you see them, please send Shauntasia the details: watershedliaison@savethesound.org. (No one has recorded any so far this year after last year’s bumper crop.)
3-month free UNH program to train citizen scientists. 17 of 20 slots still available. Program begins June 22. $$ available for laptops and internet access.. Transferable college credit. Targeting young (and not so young) residents of West Haven and New Haven. An amazing opportunity. Spread the word. https://newhaven.edu/arts-sciences/undergraduate-programs/marine-biology/coasts-program.php.
Volunteer for bacteria testing of New Haven’s three rivers. One-half day (Saturday) per month during the summer. Training provided. For more information and/or to volunteer, contact Mary. marymushinsky@att.net.