24th Annual Women’s & Gender Studies Conference seeking proposals

The SCSU Women’s & Gender Studies Department is looking for proposals for our 24th Annual WGS Conference: Continuities, Ruptures, Resurgences: Still in Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens. Proposals can be on a wide variety of topics and in a wide range of mediums. We are happy to announce that the deadline for submissions has been extended until January 18, 2024!

Five decades after publication, Alice Walker’s womanist essays In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens … continue to be a vision for those of us engaged in feminist studies and intersectional justice work: “Guided by my heritage of a love of beauty and a respect for strength – in search of my mother’s garden, I found my own.”… Fifty-plus years later, we are still in search of our mothers’ gardens, sites and sources of our nourishment. Urged by Walker’s search and guided by Haudenosaunee and other Black, Indigenous, Latinx, women of color, and queer feminist visionaries (“for the next seven generations”), we ask ourselves questions for our collective futures:

  • Why are we still in search of our mothers’ gardens?
  • How do we recognize/embrace our feminist legacy/ legacies while staying vigilant/attentive to/around old and new challenges? What are some collective strategies?
  • How do we continue to create/innovate despite the legal/social setbacks we have recently experienced?
  • How and when does a body become a subject in the eyes of the law, the public, communities, institutions, corporations, nation states?
  • What can we do to support communities struggling to align with the feminist agendas of peace, justice, and unity while honoring differences?
  • How is the feminist body involved in community, conflict and the pursuit of peace and justice?
  • How does feminism contribute to the pursuit of equity and equality?
  • How has feminist storytelling narrated these struggles and contributed to/reshaped intellectual discourse?

WGS Graduate Assistant Team, Women’s & Gender Studies Department, SCSU. Office Email: wgs@southernct.edu; Web: www.southernct.edu/wgs; Phone: 203-392-6133; Fax: 203-392-6723. Call for Proposals: inside.southernct.edu/womens-and-gender-studies/wgs-2024/call-for-papers

Social Justice Week and Native American Issues at SCSU Nov. 15

by Isabel L Skarzynski, Grad. Asst., Women’s Studies Program

Southern Connecticut State University’s Women’s Studies Program will be hosting a Social Justice Week event, “NDN Country and Indigenous Issues Today: Why They Matter to You,” about issues facing NDN (Native American) and Indigenous peoples today in the United States and the world.

Modeled after a mini Powwow, the event includes speaking, singing, dancing, drumming and informational exhibition booths. Topics include #NoDAPL (No Dakota Access Pipeline), cultural appropriation, native language preservation, Two-Spirit traditions and Indigenous earth mysticism.
Please join us on Nov. 15, from 5-7:30 p.m., on the campus of Southern Connecticut State University in the Adanti Student Center, Room 301, for an evening of learning and celebration for social justice.

Don’t miss the opportunity to hear from NDN and indigenous presenters and their allies from Connecticut.

For more information, please contact the Women’s Studies program at SCSU (203) 392-6133 or email Womensstudies@southernct.edu. 501 Crescent St., New Haven, CT 06515.

Call for Proposals for SCSU Women’s Studies Conference

by Alisha Martindale, Graduate Assistant, Women’s Studies Program

The Southern Connecticut State University Women’s Studies Program announces its 22nd Annual Conference “#FeministIn(ter)ventions: Women, Community, Technology,” to be held on the SCSU campus Friday and Saturday, April 15 and 16, 2016.

The conference aims to provide a critical site of collective inquiry into the intersections of women (and girls), community, and technology. In what ways have women and girls worked with technology, broadly defined, for the advancement of communities and/or shaping and building movements? We invite proposals that investigate the past, present, and future of the intersections of women, community, and technology and showcase feminist in(ter)ventions with technology. How have women and girls participated (or not) in the fields of technology? In what ways does this inquiry intersect with the studies of gender, race, class, and sexuality?

Call for Proposals Suggested Conference Themed Topics:

  • Women & the Media Girls Who Code/Black Girls Code
  • Feminist Apps/Feminist Ethics & Technology
  • Feminism, Environment, and Technology
  • Women, Sustainability, and Technology
  • Gender, Class, and Technology/Gender, Sexuality, and Technology Feminist Values and STEM
  • Gender and STEM Ethics/Women in STEM
  • Women in the History of STEM/Women Making History & STEM Reproductive Technologies and Feminist Concerns
  • Feminist Pedagogy and Technology
  • Women, Social Media/Technology, and Academia
  • Online (In)Visibility of Bodies Feminism and Big Data
  • Feminist Knowledge and Media Technology
    and more!

Info: (203) 392-6133 or see SCSU Women’s Studies Website for details: www.southernct.edu/academics/schools/arts/departments/womensstudies/annualconference/index.html.
E-mail proposals to womenstudies@southernct.edu.
The proposal submission deadline is December 4.

Women’s Studies Program at SCSU

by Bina Walker, Graduate Assistant

The Women’s Studies Program at Southern Connecticut State University is committed to integrating scholarly inquiry, critical problem-solving methods, professional training, cooperative leadership skills, and practical strategies for intervention in real-life situations affecting the well-being of women locally and globally. Faculty and students share a commitment to human rights advocacy around the world.

Compatible with many different areas of study, Women’s Studies allows students to explore the nature of women’s status, circumstances, and objectives across the boundaries of academic disciplines, cultures, and historical time periods.

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