50th Annual People’s World Black History Month Event Feb. 25, 2024


You are invited to a special celebration on Sunday, Feb 25 at 4 pm (doors open 3:30) at the Peoples Center 37 Howe St. New Haven and live streamed: “Black Voices for Peace – Gaza to Connecticut” marking the 50th annual People’s World Black History Month event.

The occasion will include prizes for the Arts and Writing Competition Grades 8-12, a workers’ rights panel with 1199 and 4 C’s union members, and guest speaker JOE SIMS co-chair CPUSA and lifelong civil rights and peace activist.

Drumming by Brian Jarawa Gray and friends will also highlight the program.

The event is hosted by the CT People’s World. Donations will be accepted for the 100th Anniversary Fund Drive.

Please circulate this invitation widely. Attached are the event flier and the arts and writing competition announcement. For more information leave a message at 203 624 8664 or reply to this email at ct-pww@pobox.com.








Teaching Black History – Making Good Trouble — 4-7 p.m. Sunday Feb. 27

48th Annual People’s World
African American History Celebration
The 48th People’s World African American History event will be held virtually on Sunday, February 27 at 4:00 pm, “Teaching Black History – Making Good Trouble” Once you register you will receive a link to the event in your e-mail.
Panel: State Sen Gary Winfield, New Haven Federation of Teachers union president Leslie Blatteau and a representative of Students for Educational Justice will share their experiences.
Keynote speaker Eric Brooks co-chairs the African American Equality Commission, Communist Party USA and lives in Indiana where he is a community activist.
Prizes will be awarded in the Grade 8 to 12 Arts and Writing Competition. Deadline is Feb 18. Details are at ctpeoplebeforeprofits.blogspot.com/
Performance will be provided by Afro-Beat.
Arrive early to see video of Youth March honoring Art Perlo Saturday February 26th 2pm from Troupe School to the New Haven Peoples Center. For information about the Youth March contact ct-pww@pobox.com
Please contribute what you can. This event is a fundraiser for People’s World and honors Art Perlo. Throughout the decades of struggle for civil rights, peace and economic justice, People’s World has reported and stood on the side of freedom fighters. Your contribution will enable this valuable voice to continue to educate and uplift the movement for equality.
To attend the event on Sun Feb 27 you must register in advance to receive your link to the Zoom event

Reconstructing the Dream: March and Event Mark African American History Month 4 p.m. Feb. 25

by Joelle Fishman, CT People’s World

The 44th People’s World African American History Month Celebrations, “Reconstructing the Dream” will be keynoted by Rev. Scott Marks, director of New Haven Rising and co-founder of Connecticut Center for a New Economy. He will address the way forward for equality and justice in 2018, 50 years since Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated, and 150 years since W.E.B. DuBois was born. A national leader of Unite Here, Marks has organized people from all races, nationalities and genders to fight for their homes, jobs and communities. He is traveling the country to train new African American union leaders and is organizing the I AM 2018 effort to carry forward Dr. King’s legacy.

The event will be held on Sunday, Feb. 25 at 4 p.m. at Troup School, 259 Edgewood Ave, New Haven, CT 06511. Prior to the event, a march has been organized from the New Haven Peoples Center through the Dwight neighborhood to Troup School. The march, themed “Jobs for Youth, Jobs for All,” will remember neighborhood youth who have been killed, and is sponsored by Ice the Beef, New Elm City Dream/YCL and New Haven Rising.

The event will be opened with drumming by Brian Jarawa Gray. Prizes will be awarded in the Arts and Writing Competition Grades 8 through 12. Students were asked: “What lessons can we learn from Dr. King’s courageous life? What kind of collective action is needed in 2018 to carry his legacy forward? A video “Remembering Dalzenia Henry, Grace Cummings, Emma Fair” will honor the memory of three African American Communist women leaders in Connecticut. Ice the Beef will perform excerpts from King and DuBois.

A donation of $5 or what you can afford is requested. No one will be turned away