Movement Against Police Brutality Builds in New Haven

Hundreds rally at the Amistad statue in New Haven as Emma Jones tells us, “you are perfectly capable of policing yourselves.” (contributed photo)
by Chis Garaffa, ANSWER CT (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism)
New Haven students and community members are building a renewed movement against police brutality and terror. In response to the non-indictments of the officers who killed Darren Wilson in Ferguson, MO and Eric Garner in Staten Island, NY, hundreds of people have demonstrated in the city to loudly proclaim that they have had enough of police terror and an injustice system that lets killer cops walk free.
On Dec. 5, despite rain, 400 took over the streets of downtown. On Chapel Street a 7-minute moment of silence was held for Eric Garner, the amount of time he was left handcuffed and dead on the sidewalk. The march also shut down the intersection of Church and Chapel for nearly 30 minutes, demonstrating that there cannot be business as usual while police get away with these killings.
Yale students also held a die-in on Dec. 5, where hundreds lay down on the sidewalk.
The movement against police brutality requires being on the street and organizing in our communities. Eighty people attended a community meeting on Dec. 14 to strategize how to build the fight-back movement. At the meeting, called by ANSWER, People Against Police Brutality, MALIK, Black Student Alliance at Yale (BSAY) and more, tactics on how to fight the NHPD’s “surge” were discussed. The surge is New Haven’s version of “stop and frisk,” targeting anyone deemed undesirable by the police for random searches and questioning. The meeting also addressed legislative and community efforts needed to win justice.
A new movement is being formed across the country and New Haven will be an important center of organizing and building solidarity against police brutality!
brutality is bad… 500,000 stop and frisks to get 700+ guns is inefficient… the means of choosing potential bad guys could be improved… how about organizing citizens to report misdeeds to the police… that should help get criminals off the street more economically…
I was at the meeting on 12/14, but had to leave after a couple of hours to do something with my kiddo. What did everyone come to as far as next steps? I put my name on a list, but have heard nothing sense. I’m not a part of the Yale community, and so haven’t been sure where to look to for more information. I know there were a couple of things being discussed, but never heard anything after. Anyone know?