Urban Resources Initiative Looking for Homes for Trees

We are writing to ask for your help in finding homes for new street trees in New Haven this spring! Our next planting season is just around the corner. Our first day of planting is March 28, and we still have lots of availability in our schedule.

URI will plant a street tree free of charge for any New Haven resident who requests one and is willing to water it for the first three years. If you have an open site for one of these trees in front of your New Haven home or business and/or you know someone else who does, make a request by April 1 to be included in our Spring 2022 planting season (while tree availability lasts). Renters and owners are both eligible.

How to make a request:

1. Send an email to [email protected] with your name, phone number, New Haven street address, and the number of trees you’re requesting. Optional: You may also include any preferences you have for your trees! Our website has an online street tree catalog where you can learn more about species option.

2. Visit our website uri.yale.edu and complete our online webform.

To learn more about GreenSkills, our tree planting and green jobs program, please visit uri.yale.edu/programs/ greenskills or give URI staff a call at 203-432-6189.

Thanks for your help in keeping New Haven neighborhoods green, healthy, and thriving for all.

URI Seeks Requests for Street Trees

Thanks to a partnership between the City of New Haven and the Urban Resources Initiative, you can request a tree to be planted for free, as long as you commit to watering the tree to ensure it survives. Planting a tree not only helps to shade, beautify, and add value to your home and the street, but it also provides paid work experience to adults with barriers to employment. URI’s tree experts will work with you to plant a tree that thrives at your location and fits your interests.

The spring planting season is only a few weeks away, so request your tree today! New Haven properties only.
To make a request, visit uri.yale.edu/get-involved/request-free-tree. For more information, contact: [email protected] or 203-432-6189.

URI Seeks Requests for Free Street Trees in New Haven

Now is the time to request a free street tree for your home!  Thanks to a partnership between the City of New Haven and the Urban Resources Initiative, you can request a tree to be planted for free, as long as you commit to watering the tree to ensure it survives. Planting a tree not only helps to shade, beautify, and add value to your home and the street, but it also provides paid work experience to adults with barriers to employment. URI’s tree experts will work with you to plant a tree that thrives at your location and fits your interests.

The spring planting season is only a few weeks away, so request your tree today! New Haven properties only. To make a request, visit https://uri.yale.edu/get-involved/request-free-tree. For more information, contact: [email protected] or (203) 432-6189.

Urban Resource Initiative Honors Graduates with a Tree

by Anna Ruth Pickett, URI


URI is excited to help honor New Haven graduates by planting trees in front of their homes thanks to a partnership with the City of New Haven. Will you help us find graduates to celebrate? We will plant trees in front of their home, or the home of a family member or friend, school or a local business (as long as it is in New Haven and there is someone willing to water the tree). Adopt your Graduation Tree today!

Graduation Trees were the idea of Metropolitan Business Academy student Adrian Huq. Adrian says, “As a current high school senior, I understand the letdown the Class of 2020 feels in not being able to spend their last months with their teachers and classmates, enjoy senior activities, and of course, have a graduation. Graduating marks a new chapter and our transition into adulthood and further independence. What better way to honor this accomplishment and mark this new beginning than to plant a tree? No matter how far from home you go after high school, this tree will remain grounded, waiting upon your return. It will grow and thrive for years to come – just like you! – and stand as a reminder to this important milestone.”

Help us announce this opportunity by forwarding this email or sharing our posts on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) using the hashtag #GraduationTree and providing the link: yalef.es/treerequest.

Take care and be well, Anna

Call to adopt a tree: (203) 432-6189 Email: [email protected] Or sign up online: yalef.es/treerequest