Ceasefire Now! No Support for Israel’s War on Gaza! Humanitarian Aid Must Be Allowed!

As we prepare this newsletter for print, the rallies and demonstrations demanding an end to Israel’s war on the Palestinian people have not ceased. Students continue to demand their universities divest their holdings from Israeli companies and from companies that service Israel’s war-making. Graduations have become visible displays of dissent against the war and the killing and enforced starvation of Palestinian citizens. Non-student peace groups continue their protests and meet with their congressional representatives. The 3-day Walk for Gaza in CT, to raise awareness of the situation and to raise funds for humanitarian aid to Palestinians through UNRWA, is occurring now (see article in the May issue of the PAR newsletter, par-newhaven.org/2024/04/28/walk-for-gaza-may-23-25/).

Veterans for Peace on May 7 began the Peace Walk 2024. The 700-mile journey, from Maine to Washington, D.C., will culminate on July 5. To find out more about the march and how you can join in, please go to https://peacewalk2024.org.