Western Mass. Jobs With Justice Annual Conference Feb. 28

The Western Massachusetts Jobs with Justice Educational, Organizing, & Membership Conference will be held Saturday, Feb. 28, 10 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. (includes lunch) at Trinity United Methodist Church, 361 Sumner Ave., Springfield MA.

There is no cost to attend this conference. It is fully underwritten by the grants and donations of generous supporters. You may make a donation at registration or at the conference.

Keynote Speaker: Sarita Gupta, Executive Director, Jobs with Justice. Sarita is a nationally recognized expert on the economic and political issues affecting working people across all industries, particularly low-wage workers. She is widely recognized as a key leader and strategist in the progressive movement.

Tabling Opportunity for Progressive Organizations: Sliding scale donation requested: $10 to $50. Set up 8-9 a.m. Send request to wmjwj@wmjwj.org.

Volunteer Opportunities: Contact wmjwj@wmjwj.org.


9-10 a.m. Registration, Tabling, Schmoozing, Food
10-11 a.m. Welcome, Keynote, Q&A
11:10-12:40 p.m. Workshops
12:50-1:35 p.m. Lunch, Membership Meeting
1:45-3:15 p.m. Workshops
3:25-4:15 p.m. Closing Plenary ~ Out Now’s Theatre of the Oppressed ~ Announcements/Next Steps
Workshop details are in development.

For more info: Western Mass. Jobs with Justice, wmjwj@wmjwj.org