Will Batteries Change the Power Grid?
by Judi Friedman, PACE (with special thanks to Joel Gordes)
Watch out! Natural gas expansion may turn out to be a stranded cost that we all pay for! The expansion of Tesla, the luxury electric car maker, into batteries for homes could make projects like the Eversource Northern Pass transmission project and the proposed natural gas pipeline expansion into a stranded cost. Perhaps someday even insurance companies may also provide insurance policy premium reductions for battery storage capabilities.
“Liberals like Christ” was founded right here in the New Haven area in order to promote peace, health, justice, energy, the environment, racial justice, equality for gays, reproductive rights for women, etc., i.e. LIBERATION for ALL, but with a unique twist.
We strive , on the one hand, to invite all Christians to be liberals as Jesus was, and on the other, to invite all liberals to “like” Jesus, because he was such a great liberal champion!
So we invite you to join us at http://LiberalslikeChrist.Org, and to help promote us worldwide on the www, as well as locally.
Here I am defending women’s right to make their own moral choices at Yale: http://LiberalslikeChrist.org/+Artwork/-%20Ray%20Dubuque/TraileratYale-2.jpg .