Premiere and Online Launch of the Historic November 15 Dialogue with Bob Avakian and Cornel West

by Stan Nishimura, TPFR/New Haven

This new film (3 hours 53 minutes) brings the experience of the Nov. 15, 2014 dialogue at Riverside Church in NYC between Cornel West, a revolutionary Christian, and Bob Avakian, a revolutionary communist, to life – all the fire and the passion to bring an end to all forms of oppression, the audacity, the science, the morality, the revolutionary substance. Watch the trailer for more information at

The premiere of this film was shown on March 28 in New York at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. On that day there were also premiere screenings in six other cities around the country (Los Angeles, Berkeley, Chicago, Cambridge, Atlanta, Houston). At 10 p.m., March 28, there was an online launch of the film on the website of Revolution Newspaper; With the use of present technologies this film will be viewed by people around the world which gets to the heart of what Bob Avakian and Cornel West pursued in the Dialogue: that things don’t have to be this way and there is a way to radically change the world for all humanity.

Organize house parties to view this film and in this local area contact: