Unemployment Is Largely an Unrecognized and Underestimated Problem in Connecticut and Nationwide

by Sarianna Sabbarese, Jobs and Human Rights Task Force

Official Unemployment: 3.9% or 72,573 CT workers
Hidden Unemployment: 47,808 (working part-time because they can’t find full-time work)
Want Jobs But Are Not Currently Looking: 58,760 (left out of most statistics)
Full, Accurate Count Of Un- And Under-Employed Workers In CT: 181,141

Many not included in the official “unemployment” statistics grapple with underemployment. For instance, those who are not currently looking for work, those who string together multiple part-time jobs to make ends meet, and those who work “under the table” because they aren’t granted access to stable, life-supporting opportunities through the labor market.

The Jobs and Human Rights Task Force is a CT-based group working under the auspices of the National Jobs For All Network. The nationwide long-term goal is to advance and advocate for a policy plan that radically reimagines the existing labor system. We seek a Federal Job Guarantee for all people that recognizes access to meaningful, living wage employment as a human right to which all who wish to work are entitled. We believe that systemic inequality and injustice make all people poorer.

We work at the state level to lay the groundwork for this human rights-based employment framework. Connecticut contains both soaring wealth and deep poverty within its borders. The economic disparities found here mirror those seen across the US. Thus, it can serve as an ideal state in which to push for, test out, refine, and model interventions that address the root causes of this unjust and unequal system — interventions that can then be applied on the national level.

Help us reach our goal of establishing a job creation program that will employ 10% of un- and underemployed people in Connecticut! We meet on the second Wednesday of each month. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 11, at 8 p.m. via ZOOM. Email Sarianna Sabbarese at [email protected] for the link, or for more info about the Task Force.

Job Opening for PAR Newsletter Production

The Progressive Action Roundtable newsletter team is looking to hire someone to help with the creation and layout of our newsletter. PAR subscribers know what to expect from our coverage of local organizations and the general layout of our print newsletter. We want to work with someone who has experience with creating printed newsletters and can respect deadlines. We currently use Microsoft Word and Open Office.

If you are interested in working on the newsletter for about fifteen hours during the third week of the month (approximately) from August through May, please call Paula at 203-562-2798 or email [email protected] to discuss your experience, qualifications and stipend.

Thank you!