Coalition for People Invites You to Join Our Board
Coalition for People is planning its annual meeting in April 2019. We look forward to more people being involved to make sure their issues of importance are acted upon. There is room for additional people to join the board, and we hope some PAR readers take up this challenge to help organize and advocate for the disenfranchised in the New Haven area.
We are working closely with Mothers (and Others) for Justice around issues of affordable housing; we have been networking with organizations around homelessness, the criminalization of the poor, and Yale New Haven Hospital’s neglect by discharging homeless people to the street. YNHH’s actions have led to the deaths of at least two homeless people in the past year.
People have a right to have a home, enough food to eat, a job with a living wage and healthcare. Our government still has not accepted the fact that healthcare is a right for all. The struggle for universal, comprehensive single-payer healthcare continues.
Our next meeting is Wednesday, Nov. 14, from 2-4 p.m. at the Fair Haven Library, 182 Grand Ave. in the community room in the lower level. Starting again in December we will meet there the third Wednesday of each month. Please e-mail us if you need a different meeting time and tell us when you can meet. We are flexible and want to make meetings convenient for everyone who wants to join us.