When The Power Goes Out

Shelly Altman, New Haven JVP, New Haven Register OpEd, Wed., Sept. 20, 2017

The visit this week of former Israeli U.N. Ambassador Ron Prosor to the Slifka Center at Yale [was] a good time to reflect on Israel’s management of its relationship with Gaza since it “ended its occupation” in 2005, under the steward-ship of Ambassador Prosor.

While there are no longer Israeli settlements in Gaza, Israel controls all land entry points to Gaza, with the exception of the Rafah crossing to Egypt. It also enforces a blockade of the Mediterranean coast of Gaza, with a 6-nautical mile buffer zone where Gazan fishermen may operate. The blockade prevents any departures or arrivals at Gazan ports. The only airport in Gaza closed in 2001 after being severely damaged by the Israel Defense Forces. This gives Israel nearly complete control of whom and what enters and exits Gaza.

Read the whole article in the Register Citizen here: http://www.registercitizen.com/opinion/article/Forum-When-the-power-goes-out-12215751.php

Shelly Altman is a New Haven resident and chairperson of the Jewish Voice for Peace New Haven.